Try Massage Therapy in Coral Springs to Experience Total Health and Well-being
People worldwide enjoy massage not only as a great way to relax but also as a therapeutic option. Massage therapy in Coral Springs brings us one step closer to achieving total health and wellness. While a massage for many is a luxury to indulge in once in a while, when we get a gift card for a special occasion, recent studies have shown that regular massage therapy can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. This old world practice can be traced back to ancient China, where revered healers practiced holistic treatments like massage regularly. The ancient healers were quite wise when it came to holistic body healing practices back then. Yet the age-old practice of massage therapy isn’t much different today.
Massage therapy is considered a very popular way to relax and rejuvenate. Most health professionals would agree that It’s important to take time for ourselves after and to take time to de-stress. Massage therapy in Coral Springs offers the perfect way to achieve this. One thing that most health professionals agree on is that self-care is important to maintaining your optimum health. Coastal Wellness Centers proudly employs a licensed massage therapist with over 18 years of experience. She has received extensive training in many modalities of massage therapy, including pre and postnatal massage.
Here are 7 reasons why massage therapy is beneficial:
- Helps ease muscle pain and improve circulation – Massage therapy increases circulation and thereby blood flow to the body. When circulation is optimal, and muscles are relaxed, it stands to reason that you’ll feel less stiff. To continue this great feeling, you might want to try more than one session of massage therapy in Coral Springs at Coastal Wellness Centers. Most experts agree that regular massage brings you one step closer to the total wellness we want to help our patients achieve.
- Helps increase energy and vitality – Daily massage therapy provides the perfect way to pamper yourself but also a way to boost health and your immune system when performed by a licensed massage therapist regularly. The licensed and trained staff at Coastal Wellness Center has several soothing massage options to choose from, including lymphatic massage and myofascial release.
- Helps remove toxins from your lymphatic system – Massage has been known to promote good health, energize you, and combat fatigue that maybe be caused by toxins in your body.
- Helps boost your immune system – Massages, when done with regularity, has been shown to improve health and overall well-being by recharging the body’s natural defense system.
- Helps with pregnancy and delivery – – a unique pre and postnatal massage have been found beneficial when done by a licensed massage therapist. The benefits of breast massage include pregnancy, breastfeeding, inflammation, infection, and milk stasis.
- Helps with insomnia – Massage therapy in Coral Springs can do wonders for those who have trouble sleeping now and then. When your body is relaxed, you’re bound to get a better night’s rest.
Are you ready to learn more?
Don’t you owe it to yourself to embrace a healthier way of life? You’ll be on your way to renewed health with a therapeutic massage in Coral Springs. At Coastal Wellness Centers, we also offer a traditional Chinese Healing Hands Massage by RenTui Na. This massage focuses on energizing meridians and acupoints to restore your flow of Qi (energy) and balance your body. At Coastal Wellness & Fitness, we want you to feel as relaxed as possible. Why not give the gift of a massage to that special person in your life. Come in today to enjoy a relaxing therapeutic or traditional Chinese massage in Coral Springs. Our goal is to help you rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. If you would like to know more about physical therapy and spa services, call us today at (954) 752-2950 to schedule a free consultation or massage in Coral Springs. Why not speak with one of our experienced medical associates or aestheticians can help you with any concerns or answer any questions you may have about our massage therapy options.